

导读1.I would like to persuade you say no to product that is tested on animal 请不要用动物做实验Alternative way 还

1.I would like to persuade you say no to product that is tested on animal 请不要用动物做实验

Alternative way 还有别的方法: cell culture 细胞培养

humans' donation of tissue 身躯 by undergone cosmetic surgery 整容手术 or transplant 移植

墨姐说:这里的手术是外科手术 surgery, 而内科 非常好记住就是 internal medical service。这里的整容 cosmetic 就是化妆的意思,大家记忆时候就记住化妆等于整容,就会说了。

tissue是躯干的意思,还有纸巾的意思,就是比如我们去餐厅,问人家I would like some tissue please 请问有纸巾吗?记忆时候你就想招呼工作人员需要用到躯干吧,然后才说的要纸巾。有个和tissue 很像的词儿是 issue 事件,某人打架用的身体躯干tissue,踢t了人家,对方流血,拿出 tissue 擦干净,这样这两个词,包括tissue的两个意思也就都能记住了。


2.I suggest you that please don't ride on animals 请不要骑动物

It would make them malnourished

墨姐说:这里的 malnourished 是营养不良的,mal是不好的意思,nourish营养和nutrition很像,前者动词后者为形容词


3. Will it bring you around not to go to see animal show 请不要看动物表演

let us take a look at elephants,bull hooks 钩子 pierced into 刺进了their foreheads,前额,chain 链子wounds 伤口 on their feet

墨姐说:这里的pierce 意思是 刺 ,我们表达某人钉了个耳环,鼻环等等都是这个词儿,只不过人基本是 volunteerly 自愿的,而可怜的它们是被动的


4.Will we prevail on not to take pictures with animals 请不要和动物合影

some wild animals have been drugged so that they can't control their lives 很多动物是被药迷晕了,使得它们不能控制自己


persuade somebody not to do something

suggest somebody not to do something

bring somebody around not to do something

I prevail somebody on not doing something
